Advanced Organisation Diagnostic
A complete assessment against all Criterion-parts of the EFQM Model, the associated Guidance Points and score on the full RADAR Attributes, to help identify key strengths and opportunities for improvement.

A more rigourous assessment to support your organisation on its journey towards sustainable outstanding performance.
Using the Advanced Organisation Diagnostic also give your organisation the opportunity to apply for Recognised by EFQM or the EFQM Global Award.

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Your diagnostic on the EFQM Model
The Advanced Organisation Diagnostic is a significantly more rigorous tool. It enables an organisation to determine, at a deeper level, the degree to which the EFQM Model principles are living and breathing in the organisation, expressed as a series of detailed current strengths and opportunities for improvement. Still structured around Direction, Execution & Results, there is a significantly increased number of statements that require a response, clustered under the seven Criteria of the EFQM Model and their associated Criterion parts and referenced against the good practices of leading organisations that have embedded the Model into their way of working. This greater level of granularity offers a more robust enquiry methodology that leads an organisation to develop a more comprehensive picture and a set of results that can:
- Build a more strategic approach and roadmap for the integration and embedding of the EFQM Model into an organisation
- Support a greater ability to manage, in parallel, large-scale change and day to day operations
- Have a single clear purpose that everyone in their organisation understands and which runs through every aspect of the organisation’s DNA
- Provide an ability to anticipate future change, be agile and adaptive with their people, processes and resources, especially data and technology
What the outcome can tell
The charts below provide a sample of the EFQM scoring analysis run on over 400 completed assessments using the Advanced Organisation Diagnostic, with total scores ranging from 200 to 800 points. Further analysis include drill down to criteria, criterion-parts and RADAR attribute scores, segmentation by sector, company-size, country and scoreband. Organisations scoring profile can also include comparison by unit or department, and multi-year, where available.
Sentiment analysis is the use of language analysis to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study affective states and subjective information. We have analysed our EFQM Global Award submissions to identify what words really evoke strong positive sentiment from the organisation as they write about themselves.
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Let us show you the power of Organisational Insights from AssessBase. Contact us for a demo today.
Vinciane Beauduin