Assessbase TR
Benchmark, improve then dig a little deeper...
Drive the performance of your organisation
AssessBase can help any organisation measure, track and improve performance in the areas they are most interested in.
From start-ups looking to engineer fast growth, through to successful businesses dealing with a crisis, or multinationals keen to adopt a sustainability culture, AssessBase can help.
Your diagnostic on the efqm model 2025
Anket 2025
A “light touch” assessment, using a simple questionnaire, to help “curious/less mature” organisations identify their current position and determine potential improvement opportunities.
Business matrix 2025
Bu araç, EFQM Modelinin tüm Kriterlerini referans alarak titiz bir değerlendirme sağlar ve RADAR öğeleri için bir puan sunar. Bu aracı kullanarak kuruluşlar, performanslarına ilişkin daha ayrıntılı bir anlayış geliştirebilirler.
Business matrix advanced 2025
Bu araç, EFQM Modelinin tüm Kriter bölümlerine, ilgili Kılavuz Noktalarına ve tam RADAR Niteliklerine ilişkin puanlara karşı eksiksiz bir değerlendirme sağlar. Kuruluşlar, bu aracı kullanarak performanslarına ilişkin ayrıntılı bir temel oluşturabilir ve şu anda nerede üstün olduklarını ve iyileştirme fırsatlarının nerede olduğunu belirleyebilir.
Additional diagnostic tools are available to help organisations focus on specific areas of improvements, such as innovation, Circular Economy, Net Zero, the UN SDG, …
Your diagnostic on sustainability
Döngüsel Ekonomi
Bir kuruluşun Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma kültürüne sahip olduğunu göstermenin bir yolu, geleneksel, doğrusal ekonominin al, yap, kullan ve fırlat yaklaşımından hareket etmesi ve bunun yerine Döngüsel Ekonomi ilkelerine dayalı bir strateji benimsemesidir.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. EFQM recognises the role that organisations can play in supporting these Goals and associated Targets.
Net zero
At the heart of a Net Zero world is the desire to achieve, globally, Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. In this necessary transformation, do you want to be a winner, a survivor or a casualty?
Your diagnostic on innovation
In the face of massive disruption, Innovation has never been more important. Our methods and technology allow you to assess your organisation’s ability to create the right innovation culture but also to drive results.
Your diagnostic on change management
How well has your organisation been positioned to manage disruption and major change? How effectively Is your organisation and its leadership managing today in these times of disruption? Check it out through this simple questionnaire.
Your diagnostic as a school
Education is the key to achieve better future and schools are expected to deliver outstanding results. These tools will help you measure the current school performance, and provide you insights to improve and achieve better results.
Contact us for a demo
Let us show you the power of Organisational Insights from AssessBase. Contact us for a demo today.
Vinciane Beauduin